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Dürüm tortilla with corn, red beans and falafel

In the rich flavor palette of Mediterranean cuisine, Turkish culinary tradition shines with its aromatic spices and enticing dishes. Enriched with exotic flavors and textures, this Mediterranean durum tortilla brings out the best of Turkish cuisine in an easy-to-prepare and surprisingly versatile dish.

With a base of soft durum tortillas, this delectable creation is filled with crunchy corn, creamy red beans and savory falafel balls. Prepared with a touch of cumin and garlic, the falafel adds an irresistible Middle Eastern flair to the dish. The flavors come together in a harmonious whole, with each bite being an explosion of flavor and texture.

This Mediterranean durum tortilla is not only a flavorful treat, but also a tribute to Turkey's centuries-old traditions of hospitality and culinary craftsmanship. It is perfect for a casual dinner with friends and family or just to treat yourself with a piece of the Mediterranean on your plate. So, step into the kitchen and be tempted by this delectable Turkish Mediterranean Durum Tortilla - a masterpiece of flavor and tradition.

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Börek with feta, parsley and sun-dried tomatoes

Grandma Aslan prepared her filo dough with only three ingedients: wheat flour, water and salt. She rolled the dough into a very large thin slice, then baked the most delicious Börek with minced meat in her brick oven. The aromatic smell met you. In Turkey, every region has its own variations on the traditional Börek. From the sweet Laz bőreği in the northern province of Rize to the Paçanga bőreği in Istanbul. Nowadays, we have less time to spend in the kitchen making the dough. That's why Miras has already rolled out the dough for you. Within this recipe, we made a fresh, summery and vegetarian version. Worth a try!!! All you have to do is fill it and bake it. Super easy and quick!

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Mediterraanse salade met kikkererwten en yoghurt-dressing

Het hart van deze salade zijn de authentieke mediterrane kikkererwten. Ze voegen een heerlijke nootachtige smaak en een stevige textuur toe. Bovendien zitten ze boordevol eiwitten en vezels, waardoor deze salade een voedzame keuze is.

Om de smaakpapillen echt te prikkelen, hebben we een saus bereid met authentieke kruiden zoals pul biber en munt. Pul biber, ook wel bekend als Turkse chilivlokken, voegt een lichte pittigheid toe aan de saus, terwijl munt een verfrissende en aromatische toets geeft. Deze combinatie van smaken brengt de salade tot leven en zorgt voor een onvergetelijke eetervaring.

Of je nu op zoek bent naar een lichte lunch, een bijgerecht bij je hoofdgerecht of gewoon een gezonde optie, deze mediterrane salade is een uitstekende keuze. Geniet van de frisheid van de groenten, de smaakvolle kikkererwten en de unieke saus met authentieke mediterrane kruiden.

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Turkish stuffed peppers with bulgur

Colourful peppers stuffed with a delicious mix of authentic fine bulgur, paprika, cumin and flavourful tomato puree. A true flavour explosion, this dish takes you on a culinary journey to the heart of the Mediterranean.

The peppers, with their bright hues of red, yellow and green, are transformed into a stuffed delicacy that will amaze your guests. The filling consists of fine bulgur, a traditional grain product known for its nutritiousness and earthy flavour. Together with paprika, which gives a rich, smoky undertone, and cumin, which adds a warm and spicy flavour, the filling forms a perfect harmony of flavours.

But the real star of this dish is the tomato puree. With its concentrated sweetness and velvety texture, it adds a deep and savoury flavour to every bite. The tomato puree melts with the bulgur and spices, creating an irresistible filling that penetrates the peppers to the core.

When the stuffed peppers enter the oven, the magic really begins. The aromas spread through the kitchen as the peppers soften and the filling slowly cooks. The result is a dish that is both visually appealing and full of flavour, with a perfect balance between the sweet peppers, savoury filling and spicy accents.

Serve these stuffed peppers as a main course, accompanied by a fresh salad and crusty bread, or as a side dish with grilled meat or fish. Whatever you choose, this dish will enchant your guests and delight your taste buds with its authentic flavours and simple elegance.

So venture into this flavourful adventure and enjoy the delectable combination of peppers stuffed with authentic fine bulgur, paprika, cumin and tomato puree. A dish that brings Mediterranean cuisine to life and gives you a taste of the sun-kissed flavours of the Mediterranean.

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Grilled corn cob with herb butter

The combination of butter, finely chopped fresh herbs such as parsley, garlic and a touch of lemon juice gives it a creamy and flavourful texture. This delicious butter slowly melts over the hot corn cobs, giving them a juicy and flavourful coating.

And let's not forget the authentic paprika. This spice adds a vibrant red colour and a slightly spicy flavour to the corn cobs. It gives the corn a distinctive smoky aroma and provides a surprising twist to every bite.

So prepare for a culinary journey full of flavour and delight as you sink your teeth into these grilled corn cobs with homemade herb butter and the most delicious authentic paprika. Let your senses be tantalised by the crunchy texture of the corn, the creamy butter melting over it and the fiery flavour added by the paprika. An absolute must-have for any barbecue lover looking for the perfect combination of simplicity and deliciousness.

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Chickpea tomato stew

Get ready to warm up with this hearty and delicious Chickpea Tomato Stew! This savory dish is packed with protein-rich chickpeas, tangy peeled tomatoes, and bold flavors like hot paprika puree, chili flakes, and dried oregano. It's perfect for those chilly days when you need something to warm you up from the inside out. The best part? This stew is incredibly easy to make and comes together in just 30 minutes! Serve it with your favorite side dish or crusty bread, and get ready to savor every delicious bite. Don't hesitate to try this recipe today and impress your family and friends with your culinary skills!

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Smashed potatoes with yoghurt-feta dressing

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Greek meatballs with mint

A delicious recipe, perfect to enjoy during spring. As the meatballs cook slowly in the pan, they are deliciously soft inside. Top it off with some feta and enjoy!

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Mediterranean bowl with pulled chicken

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Beetroot and Chickpea Burger with Walnut-Onion Dressing

Gezonde maaltijden bedenken kan best lastig zijn, dus doen wij het voor je. Deze burgers met bieten en kikkererwten zijn ideaal om voor te bereiden en ik kan je garanderen dat je niet proeft dat het 'gezond' is. De combinatie van de kikkererwten met de walnoot-uien saus zorgt voor een ware smaak sensaties.

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Bulgur salad with Eggplant, Mint & Feta

This healthy bulgur salad is something you want to bring to the table. In addition to being on the table within 35 minutes, it has a lot of flavour due to the different ingredients.

When you think of Eastern Mediterranean cuisine, you undoubtedly see the richly filled, beautiful bowls on a long table in front of you. Bulgur is definitely one of them.

It is served separately with the main meal. Many new rice and cereals have entered the Eastern Mediterranean cuisine, which in turn give the dishes their typical flavour.

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Traditional rice pudding

The rice pudding! Based on an old recipe from grandma Aslan, this dish - also known as Sütlaç - is back with a vengeance. An ideal dessert, because you can prepare it a few days in advance during all the hustle and bustle of the holidays. This way you can let it get nice and cold in the fridge. All you have to do is decorate the rice pudding for a festive feel! We show you a few trendy and healthy variations on this traditional rice pudding.

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Pilaf with fried Noodles

Add variety to your dishes by preparing Pilaf with vermicelli instead of orzo. The preparation of the dish remains the same, but the vermicelli gives a different twist to this delicious dish. We promise you: it is just as delicious! Try it for yourself and experience a true taste explosion.

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Pilaf with fried Orzo

This recipe for Pilaf is known all over Turkey and is a favorite of many people! It is therefore sold everywhere. You can find it in the restaurants as a side dish with that delicious kebab you have ordered or as a chic dish. You can also buy Pilaf in Turkey along the road as street food in small pilaf carts, to satisfy the small or big hunger. There are countless ways to prepare this recipe. And best of all? You no longer have to travel to Turkey for it, because Miras brings this delicious recipe to your home!

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Vegetarian dolma of dried aubergines and paprika filled with spiced bulgur

Don't like rice? No problem! You can also make the filling with bulgur. Small warning: this is a bit more powerful than Dolma with rice! The dish is therefore very suitable as a vegetarian variant of the Dolma with minced meat. This recipe can be eaten hot or cold. Put it to the test and prepare this recipe yourself! Vary plenty with all the beautiful dried vegetables from Miras.

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Vegetarian Dolma of dried aubergines and paprika filled with spiced rice

Grandma Aslan prepared her famous Dolma - these are stuffed vegetables - sometimes without meat, but only with rice or Bulgur. Because rice used to be a luxury product in Turkey and therefore very scarce, the bulgur variety was created. This dish tasted just as good!

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Dolma of dried aubergines and paprika filled with rice and minced meat

Especially for you, Miras releases the best-kept Dolma recipe! The origin of this recipe lies in the kitchen of grandma Aslan in South-East Turkey. During this time grandma Aslan grew organic vegetables, such as eggplant, peppers and zucchini. She hollowed out these vegetables, hung them on strings and let them dry in the sun. That way she had enough stock for the rest of the year. She made an important discovery: this drying process intensifies the taste of the vegetables!

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Vegan burgers

The roasted walnuts and lentils in this recipe combine to create a delicious "minced meat" texture. In addition to forming burgers, you can also use this basic recipe for vegan "minced meat" for other dishes. Fry the minced meat crispy in a large pan with a generous dash of olive oil and use it in wraps, pasta sauces or in oven dishes, for example.

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Black Bean Brownie

Ever made a Brownie without flour and sugar? Then try this healthy Black bean Brownie recipe from Miras with pure ingredients and sweeteners. A true taste sensation and a culinary experience!

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Dürüm tortilla filled with red bean salad

Whether you make a hip chili concarne from this bean or a red bean hummus, the base remains tasty and healthy, and is also filling! Miras opts for a recipe in which all ingredients are pure and fresh, without additives. Anyone who likes it pure cannot ignore this Red Kidney Salad! It is easy to prepare, you can fill a wrap with it and easily take it with you in your lunch box without it getting limp. The salad can also be kept for a few days in the refrigerator. The choice for the base is in the dry (pure) red beans or the Miras red beans in a can or jar, for the fast kitchen. Make your own choice! And add your own tasty ingredients for your personal preference.

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Greek Butter Beans (Gigantes Plaki)

How would you like to make the delicious big giant beans? After a traditional Turkish recipe or in a traditional Greek way? Read this recipe for the possibilities! The basis of this recipe is also excellent for making a Turkish "pilaki" with other types of beans: white beans, kidney beans, black beans, or chickpeas. Miras has plenty of choice. These small types of beans are not suitable for making the Greek bean dish in the oven.

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Vegan chickpea foodie dish with crunchy croutons

This dish is best when you cook the dried chickpeas yourself. The cooking liquid then gets extra flavor so that you only have to add garlic and good olive oil. Tasty for lunch or a quick evening meal. Eat it with a fresh leafy salad of baby spinach, orange and red onion. Do you have leftover croutons? Add them for the crunchy "bite" and incorporated olive oil-garlic flavor.

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Chickpeas Stew with meat

In addition to the trendy vegan hummus and falafel dishes that are now so famous, you can also make delicious traditional chickpea stews with meat. This protein-rich recipe that we all know from our mothers is especially welcomed in our stomach as a warm meal during the cold months. And because it is so full of vitamins and minerals, this meal strengthens our resistance and protects us against diseases. This meal is filling for a long period of the day. It also tastes great with rice or bulgur pilaf!

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Kidney bean salad

This high-protein, vegan and flavorful bean salad is a popular dish in Turkey and packed with vitamins. Don't have any Pinto beans at home? Then use white or red beans or even chickpeas to make this delicious salad. Miras has plenty of choice!

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Inegöl Köfte on the BBQ

A rustic, authentic and delicious specialty with fresh mint herbs. Prepared according to old family recipe. The origin of the recipe lies in the town of Inegöl in the province of Bursa. This city is located in the middle of the Uludağ mountain range, a protected nature reserve. Experience the fresh taste of this dish and imagine yourself in the nature of this beautiful area.

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Tekirdag Köfte on the BBQ

Rumors have it that the famous Tekirdağ Meatball is named after the region of the same name. The reason for this is that this meatball was taken by migrants from Thessaloniki to this region in the 1920s. The secret to the taste of this meatball lies in particular in the correct use of the beef. For this "Köfte", minced meat is made from the beef from the rib. Then the resting process of the seasoned minced meat in the refrigerator contributes to the good absorption of the flavors. The Tekirdağ Meatballs are almost always served with the spicy red pepper dip. Enjoy this Köfte variety that tastes best when prepared on a charcoal barbecue!

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Chicken skewers and Veal skewers on the BBQ

Meat on the skewer is an ancient tradition that dates back to the ancient Persian Empire and has spread to the Ottoman Empire. Today, skewered meat is also widely found in Greece and the Balkans. Instead of grilling large pieces of meat on the charcoal, it was thought in the time of conquests that meat on the skewer was better and faster to prepare. During the Ottoman Empire, the Turks added their own herbs and flavors to this and thus left their own mark on the Siş Kebab. Put it to the test and try this Miras recipe for the Siş Kebab. Delicious on the BBQ in the variant chicken or beef veal. Eat them in a warmed dürüm tortilla with a nice fresh salad, tzaziki or carrot dip! A party on the table!

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Köfte meatballs on the BBQ

"" Köfte "Incredible, delicious & healthy Turkish meatballs. Köfte can be found everywhere in Turkey in all kinds, flavors and shapes. In total there are about 290 kinds. Each province or region has its own recipe. Because it is so simple and quick to prepare, Köfte is a real "street food". In addition, you will also find Köfte in the very best restaurants. Köfte is also a favorite dish to serve to friends and guests. For this recipe, pure ingredients are carefully selected and the meatball is shaped with love, so that the juicyness of the köfte is guaranteed. They are easy to prepare on the barbecue or in the grill pan and can be eaten as bite-sized snacks at a party, as a hearty dish with bread, in a wrap or with rice and garnish. Don't be surprised if you have to refill the serving bowl in "no time"! With this saved family recipe from Miras köfte you really touch your guests and they will certainly ask for the recipe! "

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Adana Kebab on the skewer

Those who like spicy food cannot ignore this Adana Skewer. The name says it all: the origin of this meat skewer is in Adana, although some people refer to Aleppo. This Adana skewer is the most delicious on the charcoal barbecue! The real, original Adana Kebab consists of 60% lamb meat from the shoulder or leg and 40% lamb fat from the tail. This kebab is roughly chopped with a sharp knife and then a spicy red pepper or paprika is added. For more spice, the minced meat is seasoned with spices, a grated onion is added, and the minced meat is finely kneaded for 10 minutes. The minced meat is squeezed by hand around the long, wide skewers. These skewers are not grilled on a grid, but over a charcoal fire. The skewers are delicious in combination with a Turkish dürüm flat bread. Warm this flat bread on top of the meat to give the aroma of the spices and the smoky meat flavor. You then make this flat bread by putting the flat bread on your hand and putting the skewer in it. Then pull the Adana Kebab with your hands off the skewer. Fill the dürüm with delicious fresh parsley and a spoon of yogurt to soften the spiciness. Make this dish yourself with pure herbs and spices. Miras has everything to prepare this special meat skewer!

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Shepherd Salad

The origin of this salad lies in the time when shepherds took care of cattle. Each village used to have one shepherd to whom everyone entrusted their livestock. In exchange for herding the cattle, the villagers gave the shepherds solid food that had a long shelf life. Think of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, onions and bread. On the way, the shepherds prepared their meal with these ingredients. This easy to prepare salad was often eaten by the shepherds for lunch or dinner. The ingredients of this salad therefore remain fresh and crispy for several hours. In addition, the longer the ingredients of this salad soak in, the tastier and more intense the dressing of this salad is. Ideal for dipping your bread or for the BBQ. This dish therefore also fits very well in today's modern kitchen!

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Eggplant Salat

Have you ever thrown a whole eggplant on the charcoal BBQ and then made a delicious eggplant dip or salad? If you are invited for a BBQ in Turkey, this is a standard side dish. The charcoal gives the aubergine a delicious aromatic charcoal smoke flavor. The aubergines are turned continuously on the BBQ, until the flesh is soft on the inside. The aubergines are then stripped of their dark skin and mashed with garlic and herbs. Some freshly chopped parsley and lemon juice are mixed in here and to top it off a dash of olive oil is added. This dish is delicious with grilled BBQ meat!

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Fresh yogurt - cucumber dip. This dish is often made with BBQ dishes in Turkish cuisine. This recipe is also very well known in Greek cuisine. Here instead of fresh mint herbs, dill herbs are added to the dish. Both variations are delicious!

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Antep Spicy Pepper Dip

Antep Ezmesi is from southeastern Turkey (Gaziantep) and, like many other East Turkish dishes, is supposed to be spicy. "Ezme" is a Turkish word that means "crushed". This word is used in Turkey to describe Turkish food that has been somewhat crushed or ground. Meanwhile, the dip Antep Ezmesi is a national starter throughout Turkey and is often eaten with grilled meat and fish. This salsa dip also provides extra spice in your richly filled wrap. Time to get acquainted with this spicy dip with your dishes!

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Carrot Yoghurt Salad

Carrot salad with yogurt is one of the most popular side dish in Turkey. This salad is also often made for special dinner occasions, such as New Year's Eve or bayram dinners. The salad is then served as a delicious mezze, or as a hors d'oeuvre. This special salad is also served in Turkish restaurants and pubs. On warm summer days, this salad is a surprising and fresh seasoning. That is why you can serve it perfectly alongside your grilled meat and fish dishes. Make this special salad yourself with just a few, pure, ingredients!

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Spicy bulgur balls with beef tartare

The Turkish ciĝ köfte is a popular kind of köfte, the origin of this meal lies in the southeastern part of Turkey: Urfa. This köfte is prepared with very lean ground beef tartare. Then the minced meat is kneaded with very fine bulgur wheat, a finely grated onion, a tomato, red paprika paste and spices such as cumin, paprika and coriander. This type of köfte is raw and is therefore, usually eaten as an appetizer. This köfte is also worth a try in the late evening drinks!

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White bean Stove with Beef

When you visit the beautiful country of Turkey in the colder months of the year, this much-loved dish is not to be missed. Wherever you look, the steaming bowls appear on the cafes' lunch counters on every street corner. What makes this homemade dish so popular? Some say it depends on the chef in the kitchen, while others believe that the clay pot in which it is cooked influences its particular taste. The dish is traditionally eaten with rice and some pickles, but it is also delicious with freshly baked pide bread. Would you like to prepare this meal quickly? Then, Miras has the handy pre-cooked white beans in different sizes. Do you have a little more time? Then go for the dried beans. Soak them overnight in plenty of cold water and cook them well, the next day.

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Figs and Apricots Energy Balls!

If you're struggling to choose between the health benefits of figs and apricots, this recipe is definitely for you. This easy to prepare recipe is bursting with energy due to the addition of walnuts and hazelnuts! The whole family, especially children, will love this unique taste.

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Stuffed Apricots

Like all dried apricots, Miras apricots are rich in iron, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus with vitamins A, C, E and are therefore one of the leading healthy foods. Together with the walnut, this recipe protects health like a precious treasure chest, through the apricot that helps regulate digestion. All you have to do is decorate your table with this rich treasure of vitamins ...

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Stuffed Figs with Walnuts

The stuffed fig occupied an important place among palace desserts during the Ottoman Empire. Nowadays, this delicacy can also be on your table and this recipe should not be missing after a good meal like desert. The Fig is rich in fiber, magnesium, manganese, sodium, vitamins B6 and K, potassium and calcium. It supports bone density and regulates (too low) blood pressure. Dried figs also contain various other minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, iron, phosphorus and chlorine. The combination of figs and walnuts in this recipe is healthy and above all gives energy.

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Date balls with Cacao and Walnuts

Cacao has been known in almost all cuisines for thousands of years. Thanks to the potassium content in cocoa, it helps to reduce stress.With the high nutritional values ​​of dates and walnuts, which in this recipe are combined with cocoa and lemon or orange flavor, you will experience a unique healthy flavor explosion that should not be missing on your table.

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Date balls with Tahini and Grape Syrup

In this recipe from Miras, the date plays the main role. The date, also called "fruit of paradise", is combined in this recipe with the nutritional values ​​of sesame and grapes. The strength of this molasses protects against diseases thanks to the immune-strengthening function of vitamin C, in combination with tahini, which protects the heart thanks to omega 3 fatty acids and the bones, due to the high content of calcium. A Turkish delicacy that gives you and your guests an unforgettable healthy pleasure.

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Stuffed Dates Surprise Covered with Chocolate

Once you enjoy these chocolate-covered dates, you create an increased sense of happiness. By enjoying this little delicacy you get an energy boost and do something good for your health. Not only children love this recipe.

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Stuffed Dates with Walnuts and Cream

Dates, which grow mainly in the Middle East and are the main crown on iftar meals, are real superfoods. All types of dates are rich in carbohydrates, unsaturated fatty acids, proteins and fiber. Dates also contain 15 different minerals and vitamins C, B1, B2, A. In addition to the fact that dates have the ability to renew cells, dates also provide an increase in the amount of breast milk with this rich content of vitamins and minerals when women eat dates after delivery. Due to the combination with the healthy fats, proteins and fibers of the walnuts in this date recipe, this rich vitamin snack will add a healthy, sweet taste to your table.

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Bulgur with Tomatoes

Every region in the south-east has its own favourite method of preparation. Bulgur can be used in a variety of ways. Superfoods are said to have health-promoting properties...

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Nut Rice Pilaf

Nuts are rich in minerals and vitamins, which is indispensable in a healthy lifestyle. This nut rice pilaf combines it all, making it a real vitamin bomb. Taste and feel!

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Köfte Kebab with Yoghurt

The real Yoghurtlu kebab is easy to prepare and incredibly delicious. A well-known recipe from the Turkish region of Bursa. The combination of yoghurt and tomato sauce is a pleasant surprise!

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Stuffed Aubergines with Minced Meat from the Oven

Another carefully preserved and cherished recipe: aubergines with special herbs. It once found its way from the south-eastern coast to the Eastern Mediterranean: Karniyarik.

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Vegetarian Bulgur-Lentil Balls

Grandad Aslan’s favourite recipe. Savour times past and taste the tradition. You will definitely enjoy this delicious vegetarian dish!

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Coarse Bulgur Pilaf with Lamb

Bulgur is slowly but surely becoming more popular around Europe. It has all the benefits of wheat and is easy to prepare. Add a tasty piece of lamb (for many already a culinary discovery in itself) and enjoy! Check out this mouth-watering recipe here.

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Rice Pilaf with Orzo and Türlü

Stews old-fashioned? No way! Combine something traditional with some on-trend touches this winter. Try making this Nomad’s ratatouille with lamb at home. Heat up the stove and bring on the cold weather!

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Bulgur Salad

Spicy, sweet, fresh and healthy too: kisir

Add your personal twist to your kisir with countless ingredients. We will help you get started with a delicious recipe packed with grains, but feel free to be more generous with spices if, for example, you like a bit more heat.

Its many vegetables and the fine pre-cooked wheat grains (köftelik Bulgur) make kisir rich in fibre. As such, it is the perfect addition to a healthy diet. They already knew that centuries ago: from Syria and Lebanon, these ingredients, which have a long shelf life, were part of the cargo on merchant ships. Via Turkey, where it is a favourite with the Arab population, the dish found its way to Europe. Originally, it was eaten in a spicy version with a tangy tomato and pepper puree. How do you like yours?

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Chickpea Hummus

Hummus is widely available nowadays, but nothing compares to home-made hummus. Great as a spread on bread or as a starter. This healthy Eastern Mediterranean chickpea paste originates from Lebanon. You can easily prepare it yourself and add a personal twist. Highly recommended!

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Classic Turkish Red Lentil Soup

Mediterranean soup with a personal twist

A delicious recipe, even if you are not crazy about 'forgotten vegetables': Mercimek corbasi, Turkish lentil soup. It's very healthy because lentils are rich in iron, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and proteins! This lentil soup is very popular in Turkey, where it is eaten for breakfast, for lunch and as a starter. Prepare the basic soup and add herbs and extra ingredients to taste for a personal twist.

#Kırmızı mercimek çorbasi

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Adana Kebab Skewers

If the table is filled with beautiful dishes, this comfort food is not to be missed: skewers with grilled, spicy minced lamb meat. For the connoisseurs: prepare them on a charcoal grill. Ours is an authentic recipe from the Adana region, and in addition to being enchantingly beautiful, it is still a deliciously spicy experience.

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Questions for Miras

Are you enthusiastic about our products but do you still have a question? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Bring the unique Eastern Mediterranean flavors to your table with Miras!

Did you know that Miras means "heritage"? Of course, there is a reason behind the brand name! Miras Food was created from passion for Eastern Mediterranean cuisine. A kitchen that is known for dining together with friends, family and neighbors. Eating together at a large table full of beautiful colored dishes, carefully selected local ingredients and dishes prepared with lots of love.

Anyone can join. It is exactly the hospitality that characterizes the Eastern Mediterranean culture. It is our mission to introduce everyone to this special region and to put the local products on the table in people's homes.

Although, the roots of the Miras brand lie in Turkey, the journey of all delicacies extends to all the surrounding countries of the East Mediterranean and continues to Cyprus and Greece and even further.

Basically, the different regions have almost identical dishes, but due to the use of different local herbs, vegetables and the different preparation methods, you experience a complete different taste experience. And did you know that these different dishes are often also very healthy? Discover it now!

Miras Food brings local products from the country of origin, of which the quality is guaranteed, to your table!

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Healthy, traditional, pure

The Eastern Mediterranean cuisine has a long, rich history. As a result, there are many recipes to choose from and just as many variations of each dish. Eastern Mediterranean food has always been spicy. Today, it is paired with trendy superfoods, and mixed together in stews and creative party food. There’s something for everyone, and variety is all around.

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Your seasonings, our product range

The media often highlights how “the Eastern Mediterranean cuisine is one of the most wholesome”. This is mainly thanks to its variety of dishes and the use of fruits, which contain natural sugars, and nuts, which are packed with nutrients. Miras brings these ingredients to your table through authentic recipes, straight from their countries of origin. Today, you can choose from more than 250 products.

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Welcome to the world of Miras and Eastern Mediterranean cuisine

Take a seat at an inviting long table brimming with colourful bowls filled with delicious dishes straight from nature.

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Mix the basic ingredients to taste

Discover a range of fine dishes with a mix of traditional flavours. Add the most delicious Eastern Mediterranean herbs and spices, and combine various dishes to create surprising flavour combinations.

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#Tip Quick dinner Köfte kebab with yoghurt

The original Yoghurtlu Köfte kebab is easy to make and incredibly delicious. From the Turkish region of Bursa. Surprising combination: yoghurt and tomato sauce!

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With Miras you will unravel the secrets of everyday cooking

Discover the flavours that the Aslan brothers brought to Europe and incorporate them into your own cooking. With the right ingredients you can create your very own Eastern Mediterranean culinary feast.

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Mix basic ingredients to taste

Discover a range of fine dishes with a mix of traditional flavours. Add the most delicious Eastern Mediterranean herbs and spices, and combine various dishes to create surprising flavour combinations.

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Mix de basis met je eigen smaak - kopie

Traditionele smaken komen samen in fijne gerechten. Voeg de lekkerste kruiden toe uit Oost-Mediterrane streken. Combineer gerechten zodat verrassende smaakcombinaties ontstaan.

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What will you be serving later?

Find the best recipe here

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Miras Olive Pomace Oil 750ml bottle

Miras olive pomace oil is perfect for (deep-)frying at a high temperature. The oil is extracted directly from the olive and is lighter in taste than extra virgin olive oil. The pomace is also widely used as an ingredient in Mediterranean dishes.

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Miras Olive Pomace Oil 500ml bottle

Refined Pomace Olive Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. A blend of olive oil, obtained from olive residue and oil obtained directly from olives

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Miras Olive Pomace Oil 1l bottle

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Miras Extra Natives Olive Oil 750ml bottle

This is olive oil of the highest quality. Miras 100% extra virgin olive oil is extracted from the cold-pressed flesh of the olives. This olive oil contains many monounsaturated fatty acids, the so-called 'good' fats, which contribute to lowering cholesterol and are high in vitamin E. A superior oil from our favourite area. Available in 750 ml bottles.

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Miras Sun Flower Oil 900ml PET bottle

Miras Sunflower Oil is extracted from the seeds of the sunflower. It is ideal for roasting and deep-frying vegetables and meat.

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Miras Extra Natives Olive oil 1l box

This is olive oil of the highest quality. Miras 100% extra virgin olive oil is extracted from the cold-pressed flesh of the olives. This olive oil contains many monounsaturated fatty acids, the so-called 'good' fats, which contribute to lowering cholesterol and are high in vitamin E. A superior oil from our favourite area. Available in 1 l boxes.

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Miras Tomato Puree

Mix tomatoes with salt and add a healthy portion of sunshine: that is how we make our tomato puree. Its taste? Homemade. And that is what makes this tomato puree a perfect binding agent for soups and sauces, but it can also be used as a seasoning for tomato dishes.

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Miras Green Lentils 900g

Just like red ones, Miras green lentils are used for delicious soups. In Turkish cuisine, they are also added to salads with a mixture of rice, onion, parsley, pul biber, lemon juice and olive oil. Green lentils are also used to make the famous dish 'mercimekli köfte'.

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Miras Red Lentils 900g

Red lentils are smaller than regular ones. They are skinned and split, which makes them easier to digest.

Red lentil soup is one of the oldest and most-loved soups known to mankind. So it will come as no surprise that we have included it in our product range. Red lentils harvested in this region cook quickly and are above all a source of iron, good carbohydrates and fibre. They are rich in antioxidants and very healthy. Their high nutritional value makes dried lentils a perfect addition to your pantry.

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Miras Red Beans 900g

They are ideal for making a piyaz, these red beans. Also delicious in a wrap as a source of fibre and protein. Actually, they can be used in countless ways and dishes. Have fun cooking!

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Miras White Beans 900g

We recommend using these Miras white beans if you want to prepare a delicious beef or mutton stew. Leave the beans to soak in cold water overnight before use and then rinse and cook them. Enjoy your meal!

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Miras Black Beans 900g

Miras black beans: delicious in a salad. Rich in fibre and minerals.

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Miras Chickpeas 900g

In Eastern Mediterranean cuisine, Miras chickpeas are used for stews with beef or lamb. The cooked chickpeas can also perfectly be used in a salad or rice pilaf - and let's not forget the popular hummus: delicious as a starter, with meat, but also on bread.

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Miras Borlotti Beans 900g

Miras Borlotti beans are used in delicious piyaz dishes. A piyaz is a Turkish salad or mezze made with a type of bean as a staple ingredient. Fresh onion, parsley and sumac are added to the dish. Every Turkish region prepares this piyaz differently, with different ingredients or oils. Tasty for lunch or as a main meal.

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Miras Mung Beans 900g

Miras mung beans are popular in Arabic-speaking regions in the south-east of Turkey, such as Hatay. Maybe you know them as green soybeans or bean sprouts. In Chinese cuisine, these beans are used to germinate as bean sprouts. In Eastern Mediterranean cuisine, they are generally cooked just like all other pulses. Try them and use them for a delicious vegetarian pâté.

Miras mung beans are known to be rich in minerals, proteins, vitamins and fibre. One special property of mung beans is that they reduce fatigue. And they are easy to digest too.

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Miras Yellow Lentils 900g

Miras yellow lentils: make your own delicious lentil soup!

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Miras Corn 900g

Miras corn: a healthy snack - and ideal if you want to make your own popcorn from scratch.

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Miras Black-eyed Peas 900g

Miras black-eyed peas are actually beans. They are typically used for a good piyaz with a firm bite.

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Miras Broad Beans 900g

Miras broad beans make for a delicious piyaz or pilaki. If they are soft, they are perfect for a delicious bean hummus.

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Miras Split Peas 900g

Miras yellow split peas are used in delicious soups and stews in Eastern Mediterranean cooking. Give them a try too!

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Miras Jumbo Lima Beans 900g

Miras jumbo lima beans are used to prepare the famous vegetarian dish Fasulye Pilaki. You can easily make it yourself with a chopped onion, a carrot and olive oil.

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Miras White Kidney Beans

Add these Miras white kidney beans to your delicious beef or mutton stew. They are first soaked in cold water overnight and then rinsed. These kidney beans cook quickly and you can immediately use them in all your dishes.

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Miras Cooked Borlotti Beans 800g

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Miras Cooked White Beans 800g

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Miras Cooked Chickpeas 800g

Chickpeas, water, salt, ascorbic acid (E300)

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Gezonde pizza met peulvruchten

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Miras Cooked Jumbo Lima Beans 800g

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Miras Cooked Red Beans 800gr

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Miras Cooked Jumbo Lima Beans 580ml

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Miras Cooked Lentils 580ml

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Miras Cooked Black-eyed Peas 580ml

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Miras Cooked Red Beans 580ml

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Miras Cooked Borlotti Beans 580ml

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Miras Cooked White Beans 580ml

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Miras Cooked Chickpeas 580ml

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Whole Peeled Wheat 900g

Miras hard, whole wheat grains are cooked until soft. In the summer months, after the wheat has cooled down, we mix it with yoghurt. After a few hours in the fridge, it is ready to be served. A bowl of this breakfast yoghurt gives you all the energy you need to start your day on a healthy note!

Suggestion: add some cinnamon and fruit.

Cooking instructions:

Soak the wheat in cold water overnight. Rinse and bring to the boil in plenty of water in a pot with a thick base. Cook without a lid on high heat for 10 minutes. Stir occasionally. Then cover with the lid and cook on low heat for 25-30 minutes until soft and tender. Drain and season to taste or use it in a dish.

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Bulgur Coarse 1 kg

Miras pilavlik bulgur is made from wheat that is dehulled, boiled and then ground. For centuries, bulgur was not only the main staple throughout Turkey, but also in its surrounding countries Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Israel. Nowadays, this wheat is known all over the world. Pilavlık bulgur is used in a variety of ways, for a delicious pilaf or in soups.

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Bulgur Fine 1 kg

Miras Köftelik Bulgur - a finer-textured Pilavlik bulgur - is often used in salads (kisir), in vegetarian burgers, or for special dishes with a crunchy crust. In addition, it contains fibre and is a rich source of vitamins and minerals.

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Bulgur Extra Fine 1kg

Miras Çiğ Köftelik Bulgur is mainly used in dishes such as Çiğköfte (spicy Turkish steak tartare), originally from the Urfa province, in the south east of Turkey. This specialty consists of raw steak tartare mixed with this extra fine bulgur and spicy seasoning. It is often served as a mezze in the late hours, but is also eaten as a side dish or main meal.

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Miras St. Andrea Long Grain Rice

Miras tosya is an excellent rice variety if you want to make a delicious Turkish pilaf, an Italian risotto or a Spanish paella. Turkish pilaf often consists of rice mixed with roasted vermicelli or orzo. Also consider mixing it with delicious nuts and chickpeas.

Miras tosya rice comes from Italy. It is the Italian St. Andrea long-grain rice variety. It is almost identical to the rice that is grown in the Turkish Tosya, which is why we have put 'Tosya tipi' on the packaging.

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Miras St. Andrea Long Grain Rice

Miras tosya is an excellent rice variety if you want to make a delicious Turkish pilaf, an Italian risotto or a Spanish paella. Turkish pilaf often consists of rice mixed with roasted vermicelli or orzo. Also consider mixing it with delicious nuts and chickpeas.

Miras tosya rice comes from Italy. It is the Italian St. Andrea long-grain rice variety. It is almost identical to the rice that is grown in the Turkish Tosya, which is why we have put 'Tosya tipi' on the packaging.

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Miras Baldo White Long Grain Rice

The Miras Baldo long grain rice is grown in Italy. This type of rice is very similar to the Baldo rice produced in Turkey in the area around the Black Sea. Baldo long grain rice is excellent in delicious pilaf or risotto dishes.

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Miras Parboiled Long Grain Rice

Miras parboiled long-grain rice, also known as 'sari sivri pirinc' is grown in the USA. Once cooked, it is a slightly dry, fluffy rice with a nutty flavour. Excellent for dishes with mixed roasted nuts or boiled (large) chickpeas.

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Miras White Long Grain Rice

Miras white long-grain rice is not pre-cooked and lacks that typical nutty taste, but it does have the fluffiness of yellow parboiled rice. This rice is very suitable for pilafs.

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Miras Basmati Rice

Miras has also included Basmati rice, often grown in India, in its product range because the Turkish kitchen is always open to innovation and changes in both flavours and tastes. In Turkey, more and more different types of rice from around the world are being imported and consumed. This rice is often used in Eastern Mediterranean areas such as Pakistan, Iran and Iraq.

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Miras Pandan Rice

Miras Pandan rice, also called Thai or jasmine rice, is a special type of rice from the north east of Thailand. Its name is derived from the Pandan leaves. During its growth process, the plant roots absorb the aromatic flavour of these leaves, which is released when the rice is cooked. Once cooked, Pandan rice has a beautiful long white rice grain and it is packed with flavour. Its floral aroma and nutty flavour create a real zen moment in your kitchen.

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Miras Köfte Seasoning Mix

Köfte is probably the most famous meatball in the entire Eastern Mediterranean region. Miras has developed a spice mix that comes in a handy sachet, which makes preparing your very own köfte so much easier. All you have to do is add minced meat to the seasoning. Then it is just a matter of kneading well and forming beautiful (flat) meatballs. Grill or fry them in a pan. Delicious wrapped in a durum or on Turkish bread with a fresh Turkish salad as a side dish. Afiyet Olsun!

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Miras Chicken Seasoning Mix

This chicken seasoning is a delicious spice mix that is often used in Eastern Mediterranean dishes. A blend based on an old family recipe and used to prepare and season a variety of chicken dishes. All the ingredients you need in a ready-to-use sachet. Tasty and so convenient if you do not have much time to cook. Enjoy your meal!

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Miras Breadcrumbs

This crispy breadcrumb mix with specific herbs and spices is also a carefully preserved and cherished family recipe. Discover its delicious special flavour. All you need is an egg as a binding agent. Tasty and handy for meat and vegetables.

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Miras Tekirdag Seasoning Mix

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Miras Inegol Seasoning Mix

A rustic minced meat speciality, with fresh mint herbs. The recipe originates from the town of Inegöl in the province of Bursa. This town is located on the Uludağ mountain range, a protected nature reserve. Mix the seasoning and the minced meat and taste the fresh flavour. The easy-to-use sachet ensures you'll have a delicious dish on the table in no time at all.

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Miras Adana Seasoning Mix

An authentic specialty from the Adana region in Turkey. Here they love their spicy kebabs. At home you can easily make it yourself: mix the harmonious blend of spices with minced meat and savour this spicy dish. The easy-to-use sachet ensures you'll have a delicious dish on the table in no time at all.

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Miras Steak Tartare Seasoning Mix

A steak tartare specialty that originates from the province of Urfa, in the south east of Turkey. It consists of raw steak tartare mixed with fine bulgur and spicy seasoning. It is often served as a mezze in the late hours, but it can also be enjoyed as a main meal.

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Miras Mint

In Eastern Mediterranean cuisine, Miras mint is used in zaziki, salads, soups and bulgur dishes because of its fresh flavour.

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Miras Black Peppercorns

Black peppercorns are the most widely used spice in the world. Miras purchases its black pepper from countries such as Indonesia, India, Brazil and sometimes even from Vietnam. Here, the pepper berry grows and dries in the sun, giving it its characteristic taste and smell, which depend on the local climate and soil. The best conditions are found in hilly countries with little rain and a pleasant climate - that is what gives black peppercorns their exquisite flavour.

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Miras Cinnamon Ground

Cinnamon is a centuries-old spice and as far as we know its use dates back to 3000 B.C. In biblical stories, cinnamon is used for various rituals and traditions. China also cultivated this spice thousands of years ago. Cinnamon is extracted from the inner layer of the brown bark of the "cinnamon tree". The drying process lends the bark its rounded shape. Miras ground cinnamon has a delicious bouquet of sweetly scented notes of nutmeg, cloves and liquorice. In Mediterranean cooking, the powder is used to add a refining touch to pilafs, biscuits, desserts and cakes. Smelling its aroma conjures up images of the tales of 1001 nights in the Eastern Mediterranean region!

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Miras Currants

In Eastern Mediterranean and African cuisine, these small Miras dried currants are used in dishes such as pilafs made with bulgur, rice and couscous, as well as in special local pastries.

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Miras Nigella Seed

Miras nigella seeds, also known as black cumin, are used as decoration for Turkish bread, biscuits or other pastries.

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Miras Mild Paprika Powder

Miras mild paprika powder is made from a pointed pepper type. To reduce its spiciness, the seeds are removed before it is dried and ground. The result is a deliciously sweet, mild aroma. This Miras mild paprika powder gives both hot and cold dishes such as soups, sauces, salads and stews, a sweet red pepper taste. It is also perfectly suited for decorating chocolate dishes, salads and pilafs, among others.

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Miras Cumin Ground

Miras cumin is produced in Iran, Syria, India and Turkey. The plant grows best in sandy, drained soil and in areas with a warm climate, such as on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. We use the cumin seeds in particular, which have a very strong aroma. This aroma becomes even stronger when they are roasted in a dry pan before use and then ground. In Turkey, this spice is also used in çörek (Turkish pastries) and pastirma, a type of cured sausage similar to the Spanish chorizo sausage but extremely spicy. Miras cumin is also the preferred seasoning for certain Turkish dishes.

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Miras Cardamom

Native to India, cardamom is related to ginger. However, countries like Sri Lanka and Guatemala also cultivate cardamom. The cardamom Milas offers is from India. Its flavour is fruity, spicy and lemon-like with a hint of honeysuckle and menthol. The small green pods are harvested by hand before they open to prevent the seeds from falling out. They are then dried in the sun. The whole cardamom pod can be cooked in soups, or sauces to go with roasts for a typical oriental taste. Sometimes the seeds in the pods are ground to add a special refreshing touch to home-made cakes and biscuits.

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Miras Allspice Berries

In Eastern Mediterranean cuisine, Miras whole allspice berries are used to flavour stews and roasts. Ground they are ideal to refine certain dishes, such as a rice or bulgur pilaf. Allspice is also used to season meat and fish. It has a very sweet aroma thanks to the mixture of cloves and nutmeg, but the scent also resembles black pepper and cinnamon. The allspice berries originate from the Caribbean. The Miras allspice berries are from Jamaica.

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Miras Fenugreek Seeds Ground

Miras fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) belongs to the Papilionaceae section of the Leguminosae family. The plant is used as a kitchen herb and in Eastern Mediterranean cooking, is also used to season meat and 'pastirma' (a kind of highly seasoned pastrami). Originally from Mesopotamia, it was already a familiar herb in the Mediterranean region in ancient times. Nowadays, fenugreek is also grown in Central Asia. It has a fresh hay aroma.

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Miras coriander Ground

Coriander (not to be confused with green leaf coriander) is native to the area between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers (formerly known as Mesopotamia). Later, during the Byzantine Empire, it also became known throughout the Eastern Mediterranean regions and in Asian countries.

In the past it was used for medicinal purposes, but later also for seasoning. Its taste resembles a mixture of woody honeysuckle, citrus and black pepper, which is mainly due to the essential oil these seeds contains. The whole seeds are used in dishes such as stews, sauces and soups. In its ground form, it has a wonderfully refreshing taste. Roast the seeds before grinding them to ensure the essential oil aroma is properly released.

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Miras Black Pepper Ground

This world-famous spice is also widely used in Eastern Mediterranean cuisine. Miras black pepper comes from India, Brazil and Vietnam.

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Miras Chili Flakes Extra Spicy

Eastern Mediterranean dishes are spicy, especially in south-eastern Turkey (Gaziantep, Urfa), Syria and Lebanon. Chili flakes are therefore an essential spice in the Turkish kitchen! The history of chili flakes dates back to 7000 BC somewhere in Mexico. Here, dozens of species were cultivated by the Aztecs. When the Spaniards arrived in Mexico in 1514, they discovered this pepper and brought it to Europe. Miras chili flakes are from Turkey.

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Miras Isot Paprika Mix

Miras isot paprika, also called Urfa biber, is a special chili pepper of the Capsicum annuum type that is grown in the Urfa region in Turkey. Its taste is often described as smoky and raisin-like. Urfa biber is actually a red pepper that ripens to a dark maroon colour on the plant. Once picked, the peppers go through a two-phase process in which they are sun-dried during the day and wrapped tightly at night. The night process, called 'sweating', infuses the dried flesh with the remaining moisture of the pepper. The result is a deep purple to a dark, almost purplish black colour. Urfa biber is less spicy than many other chili peppers.

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Miras Sumac

Sumac are red sour berries that are especially popular in the Middle East and in Mediterranean countries. They lend a lemony flavour to your dishes. In shops, sumac is sold either as berries, or in its ground, dried form. In Eastern Mediterranean cuisine, Miras ground sumac is mainly used to add a sour flavour to salads and other dishes.

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Miras Döner Seasoning

Döner means 'roll' in Turkish. It is now known worldwide for the döner kebab sandwich. Originally it was a meat dish, made with stacked layers of lamb and fat cooked on a rotating spit. Other types of meat are now also used in the preparation of döner, such as veal, chicken and turkey.

Preparation: make a delicious döner kebab sandwich at home with this Turkish meat seasoning. Cut meat into thin strips, sprinkle with seasoning and fry the strips in a little oil in a frying pan. Serve with Turkish bread, lettuce, tomato, onion and a fresh yoghurt & garlic sauce.

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Miras Chicken Seasoning

Based on an authentic Turkish family recipe, this traditional seasoning is used to season chicken cooked in a frying pan, in the oven or on a skewer.

Preparation: season the meat to taste and then prepare the chicken in the pan or in the oven. To be used for all types of chicken meat, such as chicken breast, chicken legs or a whole chicken.

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Miras 7-spice Seasoning

The Miras 7-spice seasoning is a spice mix no Lebanese dish can do without. The warm spicy flavours turn every meat and fish dish into something special. It is also delicious with vegetables. This 7-spice seasoning mix also lends itself well to stews and oven dishes.

Preparation: when preparing a stew, start by frying the onion and garlic and then add the 7-spice mix. Use about half a tablespoon per person. Fry the mixture for about 5 minutes on medium heat and then add other ingredients to the dish. Consider also using the 7-spice mix as a base for a delicious marinade.

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Miras Bulgur Seasoning

Bulgur pilaf is a very well-known dish that many think originates from the early Ottoman (Turkish) cuisine. This (side) dish consists of bulgur which is first sautéed in oil and then simmered in some stock and seasoning. This Bulgur pilaf seasoning lends an authentic, nutty flavour to the pilaf.

Preparation: sweat a chopped onion in a generous splash of olive oil. Add the rinsed bulgur with the spice mix and fry until all the grains are coated in oil. Add the chopped red peppers, tomato puree and a generous splash of stock and cook for a few minutes. Keep adding a little bit of stock until the bulgur is tender (this takes about 15 minutes). Stir in the finely chopped parsley before serving.

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Miras Walnuts Peeled

Walnuts are known as the healthiest nuts, because they are high in antioxidants and minerals. This makes them a great snack! In Eastern Mediterranean cuisine, these Miras nuts are used in sweet and savoury dishes.

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Miras Yellow Jumbo Raisins

The yellow Miras jumbo raisins are rich in flavour and extra large in size. This type of raisin is deliciously juicy, and it tastes fresh and sweet, with a lingering hint of acidity. These raisins can be mixed with nuts, or eaten on their own as a grab-and-go snack.

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Miras Black Raisins

Miras black flame raisins are rich in flavour. This healthy snack, which is especially loved by children, is deliciously juicy and sweet. These raisins are also ideal for the preparation of cakes and other Eastern Mediterranean sweets.

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Miras Yellow Medium Raisins

Miras yellow raisins are rich and juicy in taste. This medium-sized raisin is deliciously sweet and also has a fresh and slightly sour touch. Raisins are used to refine dishes, to prepare baked goods, or as tasty and healthy snacks.

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Miras Almonds

Almonds are traditionally grown in the Middle East. In the kitchens of Turkey and surrounding countries these nuts are still widely used in the preparation of sweet and savoury dishes. These Miras almonds are unroasted and unsalted.

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Miras Crispy White Chickpeas

These Miras white chickpeas are coated in a delicious crispy layer. In Eastern Mediterranean countries they are a popular savoury snack and a delicious nibble to be enjoyed with a drink. Chickpeas are rich in fibre and, therefore, also healthy!

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Miras Yellow Roasted Chickpeas

Leblebi is a Turkish specialty from the province of Çorum. Highly recommended: prepare this dish with these Miras unsalted yellow chickpeas. They are traditionally roasted over an open fire until they are deliciously crispy . This gives them their typical taste and crunchy bite.

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Miras White Chickpeas

In Turkey, chickpeas are enjoyed as a snack. This Miras white variety is roasted in a special way to give them this colour and specific flavour. The result is a delicious crispy delicacy.

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Miras Pumpkin Seeds Nevsehir Roasted and Salted

Nevşehir is the place in Turkey where these pumpkin seeds are grown. They are thicker and rounder in shape than the other varieties in the Miras range. By roasting and salting them, these pumpkin seeds get their rich, nutty taste.

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Miras Pumpkin Seeds Edirne Roasted and Salted

The town of Edirne in the European part of Turkey is known for its good-quality pumpkin seeds with a characteristic long, thin shape. The Miras pumpkin seeds are roasted and lightly salted. The ideal snack!

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Miras Hazelnuts

Turkey is known for its hazelnut production. This popular nut variety is used in cakes and other dishes, but is also delicious as a snack. A handful of Miras hazelnuts is the perfect addition to a healthy diet.

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Miras Antep Pistachios

These Miras pistachios come from the Turkish region of Gaziantep. They have a naturally intense and slightly salty flavour. These creamy pistachios are the best basic ingredient for a traditional baklava. Roasted and salted, they are also delicious as a snack.

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Miras Roasted Unsalted Pumpkin Seeds

These extra round pumpkin seeds are very popular in Turkey. Their round core lend them an extra rich flavour and taste. The Miras pumpkin seeds are not salted and only lightly roasted, which highlights their rich, nutty flavour.

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Miras Sugared Chickpeas

Miras sugared chickpeas are roasted and given a crispy sugar coating. This sweet snack is especially popular with children. In Eastern Mediterranean countries, this delicacy is particularly appreciated during festivities.

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Miras Yellow Roasted and Salted Chickpeas

Leblebi is a Turkish specialty from the province of Çorum. Highly recommended: prepare this dish with these Miras unsalted yellow chickpeas. They are traditionally roasted over an open fire until they are deliciously crispy . This gives them their typical taste and crunchy bite.

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Miras Medjoul Dates

Miras Medjoul Dates grow from beautiful palm trees in the warm Middle East. Here, they are collected with a lot of love and packed right after they are collected. As a result, dates are filled with minerals, vitamins and fiber. Due to its wonderful sweet taste and beautiful size, dates are often used in cakes and desserts. This makes it a delicious and healthy alternative to sugar or syrup!

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Miras Dried Apricots

The delicious Miras dried apricots are imported directly from the province of Malatya, which is located in south-eastern Anatolia. This province is known to produce the best dried apricots. The apricots reach their optimum flavour and special quality thanks to plenty of sunshine and the fertile soil of Malatya, which owes its properties to the influence of the Euphrates River. Miras apricots are grown and sun-dried on family-run apricot orchards. This healthy sweet snack is harvested and packed the traditional way. Miras offers a variety of apricots. Choose your favourite and get ready for an explosion of flavour!

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Miras Dried Apricots Natural

Miras also offers a dark-coloured dried apricot variety in its product range - dark because the apricots have not been treated with sulfur dioxide.

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Miras Dried Figs 200g

He who eats the fig loves life. In fact, the fig symbolises wealth, gentleness and fertility. The dried figs in our assortment come from sunny Aydin in Turkey. This area is situated near the fertile Menderes River and thanks to its good climate, you will find the most delicious figs here. Miras figs come from family businesses that are located in remote areas of the province. Here, nature truly works its magic. Tasty and healthy at the same time!

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Miras Dried Figs 350g

He who eats the fig loves life. In fact, the fig symbolises wealth, gentleness and fertility. The dried figs in our assortment come from sunny Aydin in Turkey. This area is situated near the fertile Menderes River and thanks to its good climate, you will find the most delicious figs here. Miras figs come from family businesses that are located in remote areas of the province. Here, nature truly works its magic. Tasty and healthy at the same time!

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Miras Dried Tied Figs 700g

The dried baglama figs in our assortment also come from the sunny province Aydin and Turkish family companies. It is a luxurious fig presented in a rosary, which is attached to each tail. After drying in the sun, these fruits are strung like pearls on a raffia string. A tasty and healthy snack and useful for children who can take the figs off the raffia string one by one.

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Miras roasted and salted sunflowerseeds

If you are on holiday in Turkey or another southern country such as Greece or Spain, you will definitely come across this snack! It is wonderfully salty and a nice pastime when you are baking under the sun or taking a walk on the beach. The MIRAS salted and roasted sunflower seeds are grown in Turkey in an optimal climate with many hours of sunshine, giving the seeds a full ripe taste.

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Miras roasted, unsalted Sunflowerseeds

These Miras lightly roasted and unsalted sunflower seeds are grown in an optimal climate with plenty of sunshine. They have a delicious aroma and are full of flavour. This is an ideal snack packed with vitamins and minerals for people who do not like salty sunflower seeds.

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Miras Olive Oregano dry roasted chickpea snack

The Miras chickpea snack with olive & oregano is seasoned with - how could it be otherwise - olive and oregano and salted with real sea salt. They are then roasted dry in the oven, which makes them wonderfully crispy and all vitamins are retained.

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Miras Coconot dry roasted chickpea snack

The coconut chickpea snack from Miras is moistened with a little water and then roasted in an oven with coconut and cane sugar. This makes them deliciously crunchy. Delicious and healthy as a snack or in the lunch box of yourself or your children!

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Miras Sesame & Honey dry roasted chickpea snack

The Miras chickpea snack with sesame & honey is a chickpea lightly drenched in honey, so that the sesame and cane sugar stick to it. This gives chickpea a crispy and sweet taste during dry roasting. Children also love this snack!

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Miras Hot Spicy Chilli dry roasted chickpea snack

The spicy hot chili chickpea snack from Miras is seasoned with natural hot chili aroma and lightly salted with sea salt. In the oven they are roasted dry, which gives them a delicious crunch. For those who like spicy food, this is a delicious snack with drinks!

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Miras Sun Dried Eggplants

The eggplant is still one of the most eaten vegetables in Turkey. To what does this vegetable owe this success? The eggplant are first hollowed out and then dried on strings in the sun. This drying process provides an intense taste experience! There are 25 dried eggplants in a Miras package. This is enough to prepare a delicious dolma meal for 4 to 5 people

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Miras Sun Dried Peppers

Dried peppers are also a favorite in Turkey. In the past, this vegetable was dried in the sun to have enough supplies in the winter. Today, the dried peppers are widely sold because of their intensive and special taste. They are a real addition to your dish. For example, do you want to make a tasty dolma? Then use aubergines and peppers! There are 25 pieces in a bag of dried peppers. Keep it tightly closed in a dry and dark place.

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Sweet Corn

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