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Stuffed Dates with Walnuts and Cream

Dates, which grow mainly in the Middle East and are the main crown on iftar meals, are real superfoods. All types of dates are rich in carbohydrates, unsaturated fatty acids, proteins and fiber. Dates also contain 15 different minerals and vitamins C, B1, B2, A. In addition to the fact that dates have the ability to renew cells, dates also provide an increase in the amount of breast milk with this rich content of vitamins and minerals when women eat dates after delivery. Due to the combination with the healthy fats, proteins and fibers of the walnuts in this date recipe, this rich vitamin snack will add a healthy, sweet taste to your table.

20 min.
12 p.

Time to get started

  • Remove the stone from the dates
  • Fill them with a spoon of cream and 1 half walnut.
  • Sort them nicely on a serving plate and sprinkle the stuffed dates with ground pistachios.
  • Enjoy this healthy snack with a cup of tea!

Your shopping list

  • 1 box of Miras Medjoul dates (500gr)
  • 1 bag of Miras shelled half walnuts
  • 1 portion of cream (mascarpone or Turkish "Kaymak")
  • Miras ground pistachios

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