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Dürüm tortilla with corn, red beans and falafel

In the rich flavor palette of Mediterranean cuisine, Turkish culinary tradition shines with its aromatic spices and enticing dishes. Enriched with exotic flavors and textures, this Mediterranean durum tortilla brings out the best of Turkish cuisine in an easy-to-prepare and surprisingly versatile dish.

With a base of soft durum tortillas, this delectable creation is filled with crunchy corn, creamy red beans and savory falafel balls. Prepared with a touch of cumin and garlic, the falafel adds an irresistible Middle Eastern flair to the dish. The flavors come together in a harmonious whole, with each bite being an explosion of flavor and texture.

This Mediterranean durum tortilla is not only a flavorful treat, but also a tribute to Turkey's centuries-old traditions of hospitality and culinary craftsmanship. It is perfect for a casual dinner with friends and family or just to treat yourself with a piece of the Mediterranean on your plate. So, step into the kitchen and be tempted by this delectable Turkish Mediterranean Durum Tortilla - a masterpiece of flavor and tradition.

30 min.
4 p.

Time to get started

  • Make or heat the falafel.
  • Rinse the red beans and corn and set aside.
  • Cut the vegetables of your choice and grill them in a pan if necessary.
  • Spread the tortilla with the tzatiki and top with the warmed vegetables, falafel and finish with the corn and red beans.

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