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Miras Adana Seasoning Mix

An authentic specialty from the Adana region in Turkey. Here they love their spicy kebabs. At home you can easily make it yourself: mix the harmonious blend of spices with minced meat and savour this spicy dish. The easy-to-use sachet ensures you'll have a delicious dish on the table in no time at all.

Gebroken paprika (chili vlokken), hete paprika poeder, smaakversterker (monatriumglu-tamaat E621) , peterselie, knoflookpoeder, zout
Average nutritional values of prepared dish per 100g
Energy 780kJ / 190kcal
Total Fat 14g
of which saturated fat 4g
Carbohydrate 4g
of which sugars 0,6g
Protein 18g
Salt 0,9g

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