Antep Spicy Pepper Dip
Antep Ezmesi is from southeastern Turkey (Gaziantep) and, like many other East Turkish dishes, is supposed to be spicy. "Ezme" is a Turkish word that means "crushed". This word is used in Turkey to describe Turkish food that has been somewhat crushed or ground. Meanwhile, the dip Antep Ezmesi is a national starter throughout Turkey and is often eaten with grilled meat and fish. This salsa dip also provides extra spice in your richly filled wrap. Time to get acquainted with this spicy dip with your dishes!
Time to get started
- Peel the onions, shallots and garlic and finely chop them in a kitchen mixer.
- Then wash the pepperonis, cut them in half, remove the seeds and the skin and refine them with a mixer.
- Chop the parsley. Put everything in a bowl and mix this with the oil and tomato paste. Add salt to taste.
- Storage options: Option 1: fill a jar with the dip. Before you close the jar well, pour a little vegetable oil over the puree, so that the quality remains good. Keep this in a cool and dark place. Option 2: Freezing. Grab a freezer-safe container. Fill this container with the puree and close it well. Thaw a few hours before use. Variation Aleppo Paprika dip: mix in 100gr chopped walnuts.

Your shopping list
- This recipe is for 1 liter.Use a preserving jar to keep what you have left. Freezing is also possible!
- 250g red pepperoni
- 250g green pepperoni
- 1 chili pepper, or 1 dessert spoon of Miras Pul Biber
- 1 bunch of parsley leaf
- 2 shallots
- 2 onions
- 2 fresh garlic cloves, or: 1 tsp Miras garlic powder
- 500gr Miras tomato paste
- 250ml vegetable oil, preferably : Miras Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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Mix the basic ingredients to taste
Discover a range of fine dishes with a mix of traditional flavours. Add the most delicious Eastern Mediterranean herbs and spices, and combine various dishes to create surprising flavour combinations.