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Date balls with Tahini and Grape Syrup

In this recipe from Miras, the date plays the main role. The date, also called "fruit of paradise", is combined in this recipe with the nutritional values ​​of sesame and grapes. The strength of this molasses protects against diseases thanks to the immune-strengthening function of vitamin C, in combination with tahini, which protects the heart thanks to omega 3 fatty acids and the bones, due to the high content of calcium. A Turkish delicacy that gives you and your guests an unforgettable healthy pleasure.

20 min.
12 p.

Time to get started

  • Remove the stone from the dates.
  • Add the pitted dates together with the walnuts, the syrup (Pekmez) and the Tahini in a food processor and grind until you get sticky paste.
  • Pour everything into a bowl, prepare a flat dish and a small bowl of water.
  • Wet your hands a little with water and form the date paste, nice equal balls.
  • Place in a flat dish and swipe and sprinkle with coconut grater or ground pistachio, or ground hazelnuts, or almond flakes, until completely covered. The variations of the litter and filling is most surprising!
  • Delicious with a Turkish mocha after-dinner!

Your shopping list

  • 1 box of Miras Medjoul dates (500gr)
  • 1 bag of Miras peeled half walnuts
  • 2 tbsp grape syrup (Pekmez)
  • 1 tbsp Tahin
  • 1 bag of grated coconut, or ground pistachio or walnuts or almonds

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