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Miras Steak Tartare Seasoning Mix

A steak tartare specialty that originates from the province of Urfa, in the south east of Turkey. It consists of raw steak tartare mixed with fine bulgur and spicy seasoning. It is often served as a mezze in the late hours, but it can also be enjoyed as a main meal.

Chili flakes, isot paprika, spicy pepper powder, black pepper, cumin, coriander, allspice, thyme, mint herbs, mild paprika powder, garlic powder, salt
Average nutritional values of prepared dish per 100g
Energy 800kJ / 210kcal
Total Fat 15g
of which saturated fat 4g
Carbohydrate 5g
of which sugars 0,7g
Protein 19g
Salt 1g

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