Date balls with Cacao and Walnuts
Cacao has been known in almost all cuisines for thousands of years. Thanks to the potassium content in cocoa, it helps to reduce stress.With the high nutritional values of dates and walnuts, which in this recipe are combined with cocoa and lemon or orange flavor, you will experience a unique healthy flavor explosion that should not be missing on your table.
Time to get started
- Remove the stone from the dates
- Add the pitted dates together with the walnuts, grater and cocoa in a food processor and grind until you get creamy pasta.
- Pour everything into a bowl, prepare a flat dish.
- Wet your hands a little with water and form the date paste, nice equal balls.
- Place in a flat dish and swipe and sprinkle with coconut grater or ground pistachio, or ground hazelnuts, or almond flakes, until completely covered. (Litter to your liking)
- Delicious with a Turkish mocha dessert!
Your shopping list
- 1 box of Miras Medjoul dates (500gr)
- 100gr Miras peeled half walnuts
- Grater of 1 organic lemon or orange (choice of taste)
- 1 1/2 tbsp Cocoa powder
- 1 bag of grated coconut, or ground pistachio or walnuts or almonds
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