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Carrot Yoghurt Salad

Carrot salad with yogurt is one of the most popular side dish in Turkey. This salad is also often made for special dinner occasions, such as New Year's Eve or bayram dinners. The salad is then served as a delicious mezze, or as a hors d'oeuvre. This special salad is also served in Turkish restaurants and pubs. On warm summer days, this salad is a surprising and fresh seasoning. That is why you can serve it perfectly alongside your grilled meat and fish dishes. Make this special salad yourself with just a few, pure, ingredients!

20 min.
6 p.

Time to get started

  • Grate the carrot in a deep bowl.
  • Fry the grated carrot in some olive oil and fry the crushed garlic cloves until they are soft and aromatic.
  • Once the carrot grater has cooled down, add 250 grams of Turkish yogurt and mix well.
  • If necessary, add 1 tbsp water and season with some salt.
  • Decorate with the peeled walnuts and some sprigs of dill or parsley. Then pour some extra virgin olive oil over it.
  • Tip 1: you can also chop the walnuts and mix them in the carrot mixture.
  • Tip 2: Do you like a fresh taste? Then add the juice of half a lemon. Delicious with BBQ dishes!

Your shopping list

  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil for frying, for example: Miras Pomace olive oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic pressed, or: 1 tsp Miras garlic powder
  • 4 coarsely grated winter carrots, (± 500gr)
  • 5 tbsp Turkish yogurt
  • possibly 1 tbsp water
  • Salt
  • 1/2 tsp. Extra Virgin Miras Olive Oil
  • For deco: 5 semi-peeled Miras walnuts, sprigs of dill or parsley

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Mix the basic ingredients to taste

Discover a range of fine dishes with a mix of traditional flavours. Add the most delicious Eastern Mediterranean herbs and spices, and combine various dishes to create surprising flavour combinations.