Healthy, traditional, pure
The Eastern Mediterranean cuisine has a long, rich history. As a result, there are many recipes to choose from and just as many variations of each dish. Eastern Mediterranean food has always been spicy. Today, it is paired with trendy superfoods, and mixed together in stews and creative party food. There’s something for everyone, and variety is all around.
Dürüm tortilla with corn, red beans and falafel

Börek with feta, parsley and sun-dried tomatoes

Mediterraanse salade met kikkererwten en yoghurt-dressing

Turkish stuffed peppers with bulgur

Grilled corn cob with herb butter

Chickpea tomato stew

Add your favourite ingredients from all over the world and surprise even the best of connoisseurs!

Smashed potatoes with yoghurt-feta dressing

Greek meatballs with mint

Mediterranean bowl with pulled chicken

Beetroot and Chickpea Burger with Walnut-Onion Dressing

Bulgur salad with Eggplant, Mint & Feta

Traditional rice pudding

Pilaf with fried Noodles
Tel şehriyeli pirinç pilavi

Pilaf with fried Orzo
Arpa Şehriyeli Pirinç Pilavı

Vegetarian dolma of dried aubergines and paprika filled with spiced bulgur
Zeytinyağlı bulgurlu kuru patlıcan ve biber dolması

Vegetarian Dolma of dried aubergines and paprika filled with spiced rice
Zeytinyağlı Kuru Patlıcan Biber Dolması

Dolma of dried aubergines and paprika filled with rice and minced meat
Etli Kuru Patlıcan ve Biber Dolma

Vegan burgers
Vegan burgerler

Black Bean Brownie
Siyah Fasulyeli Brownie

Dürüm tortilla filled with red bean salad
Kırmızı fasulye salatası ile doldurulmuş Dürüm tortilla

Greek Butter Beans (Gigantes Plaki)
Bombay Fasulye Pilaki

Vegan chickpea foodie dish with crunchy croutons
Vegan sarımsaklı nohut

Chickpeas Stew with meat
Etli Nohut

Kidney bean salad
Barbunya salatası

Inegöl Köfte on the BBQ
Inegöl Köfte Kebab

Tekirdag Köfte on the BBQ
Tekirdaĝ Köfte Kebab

Chicken skewers and Veal skewers on the BBQ
Tavuk Siş ve Dana Siş

Köfte meatballs on the BBQ
Köfte Kebab

Adana Kebab on the skewer
Adana Kebab

Shepherd Salad
Çoban Salatası

Eggplant Salat
Patlıcan Ezmesi


Antep Spicy Pepper Dip
Antep Ezmesi

Carrot Yoghurt Salad
Havuç Ezmesi

Spicy bulgur balls with beef tartare
Etli Çiğ Köfte

White bean Stove with Beef
Etli Kuru Fasulye

Figs and Apricots Energy Balls!
İncir ve Kayısı Enerji Bombaları

Stuffed Apricots
Kayısı Tatlısı

Stuffed Figs with Walnuts
İncir Dolması

Date balls with Cacao and Walnuts
Kakaolu İkramlik Hurma

Date balls with Tahini and Grape Syrup
İkramlik Hurmalı Lokum

Stuffed Dates Surprise Covered with Chocolate
Çokolatalık Hurma Dolmasi

Stuffed Dates with Walnuts and Cream
Cevizli ve Kaymakli Hurma Dolmasi

Bulgur with Tomatoes
Domatesli Bulgur Pilavı

Nut Rice Pilaf
Fındıklı Pilav

Köfte Kebab with Yoghurt
Yoğurtlu Köfte Kebab

Stuffed Aubergines with Minced Meat from the Oven

Vegetarian Bulgur-Lentil Balls
Mercimekli köfte

Coarse Bulgur Pilaf with Lamb
Kuzu Etli Bulgur Pilavı

Rice Pilaf with Orzo and Türlü
Arpa Şehriyeli Pirinç Pilavı ve Türlü

Bulgur Salad

Chickpea Hummus

Classic Turkish Red Lentil Soup
Kırmızı mercimek çorbası

Adana Kebab Skewers
Adana Kebab

Mix the basic ingredients to taste
Discover a range of fine dishes with a mix of traditional flavours. Add the most delicious Eastern Mediterranean herbs and spices, and combine various dishes to create surprising flavour combinations.