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Your seasonings, our product range

The media often highlights how “the Eastern Mediterranean cuisine is one of the most wholesome”. This is mainly thanks to its variety of dishes and the use of fruits, which contain natural sugars, and nuts, which are packed with nutrients. Miras brings these ingredients to your table through authentic recipes, straight from their countries of origin. Today, you can choose from more than 250 products.

Olive Oil


This is how you make the tastiest aubergines stuffed with minced meat. #Karnıyarık

Sunflower Oil

Ayçiçek Yaĝı

Tomato sauces and puree

Domates Salça ve Soyulmuş Domates

Paprikapuree en Sambal Oelek

Biber Salça ve Acı Biber Salçası



Luxury nuts and snacks

Lüks Çerezler

Traditional nuts, kernels and seeds

Geleneksel Çerezler

Dried fruits

Kurutulmuş meyveler

Feel Good Snacks

Miras atıştırmalıkları hissedin





Wheat, semolina and couscous

Buĝday, Irmik ve Couscous

Precooked pulses

Haşlanmış bakliyat

Dried pulses

Kuru bakliyatlar

Sun-dried vegetables

Kuru Sebze

Seasoning for meat

Et Harçları

Herbs and spices

Baharatlar ve Otlar

Seasoning mix

Karışık Baharatlar

Bulk spices

Büyük PET

Mix basic ingredients to taste

Discover a range of fine dishes with a mix of traditional flavours. Add the most delicious Eastern Mediterranean herbs and spices, and combine various dishes to create surprising flavour combinations.