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Precooked pulses

In traditional Eastern Mediterranean cuisine, pulses are used in a variety of dishes. The Miras dried pulses give you access to Turkish staple ingredients - tasty and convenient too. All products are 100% natural and come in clear packaging. The range also includes handy pre-cooked pulses in jars or tins. Ideal for a quick and healthy meal! You can choose from 580-ml glass jars and 800-g and 400-g tins. Have a look at our 'ready-to-use' range of pre-cooked pulses, which allow you to quickly prepare the most delicious of dishes.

Miras Cooked Borlotti Beans 800g

Miras Haşlanmış Barbunya

Miras Cooked White Beans 800g

Miras Haşlanmış Beyaz Fasulye

Miras Cooked Chickpeas 800g

Miras Haşlanmış Nohut

Chickpeas, water, salt, ascorbic acid (E300)

Miras Cooked Jumbo Lima Beans 800g

Miras Haşlanmış Beyaz Iri Fasulye

Miras Cooked Red Beans 800gr

Miras Kirmizi Fasulye Haşlama

Miras Cooked Jumbo Lima Beans 580ml

Miras Iri Haşlanmış Fasulye

Miras Cooked Lentils 580ml

Miras Haşlanmış mercimek

Miras Cooked Black-eyed Peas 580ml

Miras Haşlanmış Börülce

Miras Cooked Red Beans 580ml

Miras Haşlanmış Kırmızı Fasulye

Miras Cooked Borlotti Beans 580ml

Miras Haşlanmış Barbunya

Miras Cooked White Beans 580ml

Miras Haşlanmış Beyaz Fasulye

Miras Cooked Chickpeas 580ml

Miras Haşlanmış Nohut

Sweet Corn

Tatlı Mısır

Mix basic ingredients to taste

Discover a range of fine dishes with a mix of traditional flavours. Add the most delicious Eastern Mediterranean herbs and spices, and combine various dishes to create surprising flavour combinations.