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Miras Sun Dried Peppers

Dried peppers are also a favorite in Turkey. In the past, this vegetable was dried in the sun to have enough supplies in the winter. Today, the dried peppers are widely sold because of their intensive and special taste. They are a real addition to your dish. For example, do you want to make a tasty dolma? Then use aubergines and peppers! There are 25 pieces in a bag of dried peppers. Keep it tightly closed in a dry and dark place.

Dried Peppers
Average nutrition Facts per 100 g
Energy 1481kJ / 354kcal
Total Fat 1,73g
of which saturated fat 0,42g
Carbohydrate 40,7g
of which sugars 21,7g
Protein 11,6g
Salt 0,48g

Also try...

15 min.

Mediterraanse salade met kikkererwten en yoghurt-dressing

50 min.

Stuffed Aubergines with Minced Meat from the Oven


20 min.

Date balls with Cacao and Walnuts

Kakaolu İkramlik Hurma