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Bulk spices

Our ancestors led the way in the Eastern Mediterranean regions. This way we know where the most wonderful and delicious spices are produced. For the Miras product range in particular, we are always looking to find those specific farmers and producers. This ensures that you always use the best spices in your kitchen.

Do you need spices in larger quantities? No problem, we have included them in our product range, so you always have what you need at hand.

Available: spicy paprika, mild paprika, cumin, black pepper, chicken seasoning, sumac and extra spicy chili flakes.

The quantities vary: 400, 450, 500 and 800 grams. Also view Eastern Mediterranean spices you need for your kitchen.

Miras Black Pepper Ground

Miras Kara Biber Toz

This world-famous spice is also widely used in Eastern Mediterranean cuisine. Miras black pepper comes from India, Brazil and Vietnam.

Miras Chili Flakes Extra Spicy

Miras Extra Acı Pul Biber

Eastern Mediterranean dishes are spicy, especially in south-eastern Turkey (Gaziantep, Urfa), Syria and Lebanon. Chili flakes are therefore an essential spice in the Turkish kitchen! The history of chili flakes dates back to 7000 BC somewhere in Mexico. Here, dozens of species were cultivated by the Aztecs. When the Spaniards arrived in Mexico in 1514, they discovered this pepper and brought it to Europe. Miras chili flakes are from Turkey.

Miras Sumac

Miras Sumak

Sumac are red sour berries that are especially popular in the Middle East and in Mediterranean countries. They lend a lemony flavour to your dishes. In shops, sumac is sold either as berries, or in its ground, dried form. In Eastern Mediterranean cuisine, Miras ground sumac is mainly used to add a sour flavour to salads and other dishes.

Miras Chicken Seasoning

Miras Tavuk Baharatı

Based on an authentic Turkish family recipe, this traditional seasoning is used to season chicken cooked in a frying pan, in the oven or on a skewer.

Preparation: season the meat to taste and then prepare the chicken in the pan or in the oven. To be used for all types of chicken meat, such as chicken breast, chicken legs or a whole chicken.

Mix the basic ingredients to taste

Discover a range of fine dishes with a mix of traditional flavours. Add the most delicious Eastern Mediterranean herbs and spices, and combine various dishes to create surprising flavour combinations.