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Bulgur Coarse 1 kg

Miras Pilavlik Bulgur

Miras pilavlik bulgur is made from wheat that is dehulled, boiled and then ground. For centuries, bulgur was not only the main staple throughout Turkey, but also in its surrounding countries Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Israel. Nowadays, this wheat is known all over the world. Pilavlık bulgur is used in a variety of ways, for a delicious pilaf or in soups.

Bulgur Fine 1 kg

Miras Köftelik Bulgur

Miras Köftelik Bulgur - a finer-textured Pilavlik bulgur - is often used in salads (kisir), in vegetarian burgers, or for special dishes with a crunchy crust. In addition, it contains fibre and is a rich source of vitamins and minerals.

Bulgur Extra Fine 1kg

MIRAS Çiğköftelik Bulgur

Miras Çiğ Köftelik Bulgur is mainly used in dishes such as Çiğköfte (spicy Turkish steak tartare), originally from the Urfa province, in the south east of Turkey. This specialty consists of raw steak tartare mixed with this extra fine bulgur and spicy seasoning. It is often served as a mezze in the late hours, but is also eaten as a side dish or main meal.

Mix the basic ingredients to taste

Discover a range of fine dishes with a mix of traditional flavours. Add the most delicious Eastern Mediterranean herbs and spices, and combine various dishes to create surprising flavour combinations.